Mexico Medical Missions Trip 2018

Holtville, California/ Mexicali Mexico

In Cooperation with Dental Visions and Cedar City Lions Club

Joseph Godwin from Mountain Eye Institute had a great opportunity to provide for the eyewear needs in the community of Mexicali Mexico. Everything begins with the many donations of used eyewear. Thru the Cedar City Lions Club and other Iron county Lions Clubs We Clean, Separate and label the prescriptions for redistribution. Once on site with the Eyewear, each person is screened for their individual eyewear need and the matching prescription is provided free of charge.” It is a wonderful opportunity to present the gift of sight to those in need” It takes time, effort, energy and money to help others in a way that lifts everyone up. Thank you for your support in donations and service in our communities and beyond.

Helping others thru your donations of Recycled eyewear.


Joseph Godwin ABOC

Auto refraction, observation and recommendation training techniques

Proper fitting and compassion.


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